Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Adventure of a Lifetime!!!

Me and my friend Ashley went to the mall today, on out bikes! Anyways, we walked ALL around the mall, went to every store... I had fun!
We got some Sunglasses, more like ten And we got chopsticks and candy aswell. We walked for what seemed to be a while... loved it!
We had to leave at around 5:40, and we walked to our bikes. OKay, the mall has 5 stories, and we parked our bikes on the fith. So when we got to our bikes, we found them...not to be there...!
We started to panic, and started to freak out... then we saw a mall cop off in the disstance. I ran to him, and asked where our bikes were. He said that they were in the Security Office, on the OTHER side of the mall.
So we RAN to the other side of the mall, and when we got to the office, we found our bikes!!!
We asked the man if we could ride out bikes out the mall, he said no, but we could take them through an eerie hallway and up some stairs. So we truged up the stairs, caring out bikes, and we biked as fast as we could back to my dads shop.
Once we got to my dads shop, it was 6:04... I though that we were going to get it... but no. My cousin found Ashley's Blowup Doll, and inflated it, and took it on his bike and rode to the store. twas funny as fuck.. haha!

Hope to have another day like this again!!! :D

A Feeling of Hope

I know this is not the end, i can feel it in my bones... I know there is still hope for me and Kris...
You know, writing about my feelings is really helping me get through this. Im venting out what i feel, and i know that someone, somewhere, is reading this and I know that they care.
And for that, i thank you reader... :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Is this the End?

I was talking to my sister the other day, and i told her about what i was going through, you know, about me and Kris. I told her about our complications, and after a while of back & forth conversation, i finaly realized...Im the only one that is participating in this one man relationship! I am the one to say hello first! I always send him Heart felt messages that i put effort into giving him, and he only replies in one or two words!... & I am pissed off because yesturday was 2 moths of being together, and when i checked my messages...nothing, not even a hello... and i am mad...but i cant be mad, i dont know his side of the story.
I need to clear this whole mess up, because i am mad at him for something that might not be what it seems...but i have no way of communicating him. -_-
What should i do???T.T

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My Love/Private life?

Ive been extremely preocupied lately... to sum it up in a kind of short paragraph...

So ive been with Kris for two months already. Well, two months tomarow..We have been kind of seeing eachother over the summer, and it has been...rather difficult. Its not that we are fighting, its that we hardly see eachother... I love him, i really do, but i dont think that this long disstance relationship is working out. I feel abandonde really, but i want to keep things alive, im not going to quit in the midle of a beautiful relationship. This is the first time i have felt love twards the aspect of relayionship love.
Adding to another rant... ive spent 3 days at my best friends house. we have been haveing a realy awesome time, taking random pics, swimming, talking nonsence. the usual.. XD

Well untill next time... PEACE!